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Dunant House Waltz        Dunant House Waltz: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways, Twos Improper
Dance: Colin Hume, Music: Roger Davidson, 1991

A1:Middle couple set right and left; cast right shoulder round one person.  Half reels of three across the set, middles passing left shoulder with that person's partner.
A2:Middle couple set to each other (facing up and down); cast right shoulder round the same person (all now in partner's place).  Half reels of three up and down the set, middles passing left shoulder with the person at the other end.
B:[1-4]   Middles out to your right, circle left with this couple and let go with your left hand to break to lines of three up and down (2nd man at the top on the men's side with 1st lady and 1st man below him).
 [5-8]   All back-to-back with opposite (new partner).
A3:Circle 6 left and right.

Men are now  2, 3, 1; ladies are  3, 1, 2.  Repeat the dance twice more, with a new partner each time.  If you'd like to lead the figure with your original partner, first and third men need to switch places before the dance starts.

It's pronounced Doo-NANT, with the emphasis on the second syllable, not DUNNant as some people think.  Henri Dunant was a Frenchman, so he would have pronounced it Doo-NON, but the house is in the Netherlands.  See the section on Composing Dances for the full story of how it came to be written.

The Dunsmuir Waltz        Breakaway Heart: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: John Drewry 1991/ Bruce Hamilton 2000, 2002.
Music: “Breakaway Heart”, Kathy Talvitie, 1993

A:(16 bars): Ones lead down, inside hands joined (2 waltz steps), turn in to face up and fall back.  Lead up past the threes, separate, behind the twos, home.
 First lady, third man cross giving right hands; do a wide loop right one place to finish in the middle improper but well out from the set while the others take neighbour's hand, set; Petronella in tandem to finish with men at the bottom, ladies at the top.  The same from these places, finishing with the third man at the top and the first lady at the bottom on the centre line, the others improper.
B:(16 bars): All join hands: balance in and out; circle left home (4 bars); set in side lines.
 Top two couples lead down through and cast up [2, 1, 3].  Bottom two couples lead up and cast down [2, 3, 1].

Bruce Hamilton writes:

The Dunsmuir Estate in Oakland, California, used to host a Highland Games, and The Dunsmuir Dancers, a Bay Area demonstration team, is named for it.  John Drewry wrote The Dunsmuir Strathspey as a gift to them when he visited.  Its novel, yet simple, final figure caught my eye, but as a strathspey the dance felt earthbound.  I thought that if it were a waltz the dancers would be able to 'cut the rope' and soar.  I made minimal changes in transliterating the dance, and got John's permission to use this name.  I tried the dance with several tunes, and when Kathy Talvitie used this one at an Ann Arbor weekend, it felt right.

Since soaring is the dance's raison d'être, dancers should take every opportunity to do that.  Pick a tempo slow enough for big steps, around 112.  Go all the way through the next set in A:1-4.  If space permits, cross your set on bar 9 and continue straight for another 10-12 feet before looping right on 11-12.  Similarly on 13-16, and finish 6 feet above/below the set so you can accelerate into the balance in.  The rest of the dance is necessarily more contained.

When John taught the strathspey he had the leaders in B:9-11 stay outside the set line until the dancer following has cleared the standing person.  That way they can 'cover' as they come into the set lines on bar 12.  Similarly for B:13-16.  This is hard at waltz speed, but worth trying for.

See John Drewry's original dance “The Dunsmuir Strathspey”.

“Petronella in Tandem” is a turn single right while moving to the right, without overtaking.

The Grandparents' Waltz        The Grandparents' Waltz: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2003

A1:(16 bars): Ones right-hand turn, cast to middle place (twos lead up) and pass each other left shoulder to face first corner (7 bars).  Step right (1 bar) and…
 Honour, step left and honour, turn single left ¾ to finish improper in middle place.  Left-hand turn partner a little more than once around to finish in the middle of the set facing second corners (the man facing diagonally up to the top lady, the lady facing diagonally down to the bottom man).
A2:Pass second corners right shoulder: half a diagonal reel, then as the ones pass each other left shoulder they veer left to face first corner (the other opposite-sex person).  Three changes of a diagonal reel starting right shoulder, to finish with the corners in each other's places, the first man at the bottom between the twos and the first lady at the top between the threes (3 bars).  Ones step right (1 bar) and…
 Honour, step left and honour, turn single left ¾ and…  Loop left shoulder round right-hand same-sex neighbour to middle place: 3, 1, 2 all improper facing partner (3 bars).  Ones cross left and turn left while the others turn single left ¾ (1 bar).
B1:(16 bars): All single file anti-clockwise half-way to 2,1 improper, 3.  Lines of three fall back three steps; lead forward.
 Middles (ones) move out to your own right and circle left with this couple, then the ones break with your left hand and draw the line up or down (5 bars).  All pass through with opposite and stay facing out (2 bars).  Turn single left ¾ (1 bar).
B2:All single file clockwise half-way to 3L 1M, 3M 2L,1L 2M.  Lines of three fall back a double; lead forward.
 Middles (2nd lady and 3rd man) move out to your own right and circle left with these two people, then the leaders break with your left hand and draw the line up or down (5 bars).  Ones in middle place two-hand turn half-way to your own side and fall back (3 bars).
Reverse progression.

Written for Malcolm and Barbara Shaffer on the arrival of their second grandchild.  I knew I'd got the music right the first time Barbara heard it, when she came up to me and said: “That's gorgeous.  What is it?  It sounds Jewish”.

The turn single left ¾ needs to be energetic — it's only one bar (three steps).  People have great difficulty with the timing of this dance.  There are six places where the musical phrase starts on bar 8 rather than bar 1, and each time there is a rising or falling three-note sequence for the step and honour or the turn single left three-quarters.  But people tend to think in 8-bar phrases rather than actually listening to the musical phrase.  I wrote the tune first, and usually I'm careful not to write a three-beat upbeat.  I've had arguments with Andrew Shaw about “Sally in out Alley”, for instance — he thinks people should start to move on the upbeat bar and I think they should wait until bar 1 proper.  But having written this tune, I had to write a dance which would fit it, which meant putting in movements which start at odd places and on the left foot (though Barbara says mentioning the feet only confuses people).

Barbara and Malcolm also said, “the half diagonal heys are one continuous flowing move, which should lead directly into the second honours and the cast to 2nd place improper.  Again the ones crossing just flows from the cast and it is difficult to get the other dancers to time their turn single in order to flow into circle anti-clockwise half-way.”

I would say that if they're listening for the rising three notes at the start of the musical phrase they should be able to do it.  It should be a case of the music telling you!

Their conclusion was, “In short, the whole dance just flows for the first couple, but you need the others to be aware of the importance of their timing.  Good dancers should very quickly be able to dance it without a call, because it is a dance that rewards a bit of effort to learn it.”

I hope they're right.

Lauren's Light        Lauren's Light: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Added 6-Jan-25

Dance: Colin Hume, 2024.  Music: Kathleen Fownes, 2021.  Download the recording
Kathleen Fownes
Format: 3 couples longways.

A1:First woman cast, followed by partner, finishing in third place improper — the others side-step up on bars 3 and 4.  At the bottom, actives pass neighbour right shoulder: Four changes of a straight hey, finishing 3, 1i, 2.
 Note: The hey stops when the actives get to middle place the second time.  They get there after one change, and when they get there again they stop!
A2:Bottom (2nd) woman cast up, followed by partner, finishing in first place improper — the others side-step down on bars 3 and 4.  At the top, actives pass neighbour left shoulder: Four changes of a straight hey, finishing 1i, 2i, 3.
 Note: Again the hey stops when the actives (this time the twos) get to middle place the second time.
B:Three changes of a cumulative grand chain (curving rather than just pulling by — two waltz steps per change) started by ones changing right hand (6 bars); all turn single (2 bars).
C:All back-to-back.  Two-hand turn.  [Standard progression]

The tricky part is four changes of a straight hey.  Although four changes are done, each person only does two or three, because there's one change while you're waiting at the start or looping round at the end of the line.  But it's one waltz step per change, so I'd suggest just fitting it to the music, though Anthony Stone who was dancing it the first time I called it, said

I agree that it's one waltz step per change and that's the best way to count it, but unfortunately not everyone listens to the music, especially when faced with a tricky move.

So I'm now explaining when the actives stop — and that will stop everybody else.  Josh said,

One thing to note: when I called it our group preferred the first figure called as half a hey with the actives who start the move doing one extra turn.  Ultimately it gets them to the same place but just a change in terminology.

If it helps, in A1 it's right at the bottom, left at the top, right at the bottom left at the top.  In A2 it's left at the top, right at the bottom, left at the top, right at the bottom.

In the back-to-back, what I would really like to see is the whole set working together.  You're in a line with two other people: see if you can stay lined up.  Two waltz steps to pass your partner right shoulder; two to fall back passing left shoulder.  And the same with the two-hand turn: two waltz steps to turn half-way, so you're all lined up in your partner's place; two to finish the turn.

Kathleen Fownes plays fiddle in a trio called Nova with Everest Witman on guitar and mandolin, and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin on accordion and piano.  Josh Catlin commissioned this waltz from her to present to Lauren Wilson on their marriage in 2022, and as soon as I heard it I wanted to write a dance to it.  The recording is by Kathleen and Everest, and is played three times through with a four-bar introduction.  They play it in E, but my version of the music is transposed to D.

Lauren and Josh in the wedding car

I met Lauren when she was a student at Cambridge, and watched her grow from a terrified new dancer to a good dancer, good caller and good organiser — she was Chairman of The Round 2013-2014.  She then moved to Nottingham to further her studies, and managed to call and dance at the Nottingham Folk Dance Group and act as Chairman of the Intervarsity Folk Dance Festival in 2020 while completing her PhD thesis!

Josh says:

As part of their kickstarter fundraiser Nova had the option for them to write a tune for you which I chose.  At the time I had an initial thought of it being for Lauren but not definitely as our first dance.  Once my mind had progressed that way the main points I gave to Kathleen were that I liked their tune called Golden Gate Waltz and Lauren's favourite tune is Hole in the Wall.

I'm not entirely sure why I decided to call it Lauren's Light other than the fact that in the time we'd been together she'd brought me into this wonderful world of folk where I began dancing, calling, organising, learning to play the fiddle etc and she really lights up when I see her dancing.  I wanted something to express the joy I see from her and this is what we ended up with.

My Lady Winwood's Maggot  

Laura and Filon        Laura and Filon: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways, Twos improper
Dance: Colin Hume, 2003.     Music: Traditional Polish Folk Song (waltz)

A:Twos face up: half a Grimstock hey (12 steps, finishing 3, 2, 1).  At the bottom: ladies cross (second and first ladies, on the diagonal); men cross (all right shoulder).
B1:Tops (threes) cross down through the middles and go down the outside to the bottom, the others moving up.  All circle left 4 places, to finish opposite your shadow.
B2:The same (led by the same third man, this time with the second lady).  The same, to finish opposite your partner.
Standard progression.

I've loved this tune for years — long before I met my Polish wife Renata.  My father travelled abroad a lot on business, and he brought back recordings of music from many countries, including an LP of Polish Folk Music.  I'd been meaning to write a dance to this tune for some years, and while I was staying with Susan Murrow in the States I had a go.  I wanted B1 and B2 to have the same moves, since they're the same music, and I had an idea of a three-couple set with the middles improper circling four places round.  Unfortunately I had started the A part with moves which made this totally impossible, so I struggled with it for a couple of hours and eventually gave up.  Back in England I scrapped the A part and wrote the dance in about five minutes!

A Grimstock hey is what they call in the States a mirror hey (because they don't know the dance Grimstock) and in Scottish reflection reels or mirror reels.  I could argue that a Morris hey is also a mirror hey.  On the other hand, Americans could argue that there are three different heys in Grimstock!

Left, Right and Centre        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Geoff Todd of Gnosall, Staffordshire, 1988.  Music: 3 x 32-bar jigs.
From the book Dance Search.

A1:Join hands in lines, set; star through with partner [Man's right hand to lady's left, rotate with the lady going under the arch to finish facing down, inside hands joined].  Bottom couple wheel left, middle couple wheel right, top couple lead down the centre and California twirl to make circle of 6 (alternating man, lady).
A2:Circle left (slip).  Circle right.
B1:All three ladies chain (pass partner and the next, chain out number three).  And again — keep right hands joined, so the lady turns right to face this man.
B2:Two changes of a grand chain (right and left).  Swing partner back into the longways set — make sure the ones finish in middle position.
Progressed position is 3, 1, 2.  Repeat twice more.

First Prize in the Dance Search '86 Competition.  The book says:

Geoff Todd is seen at many Folk Festivals around the country.  He first came to English Folk Dancing in Paris several years back, when he had a good head of hair.  At times he has called, played fiddle (badly) and danced.  He has written a book: “In House Dances”, published by the Friends of Cecil Sharp House.

Lucy        Lucy: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2006.  Waltz time.

A:Ones give two hands: balance forward and back; let go with outside hand and star through.  Ones and twos the same.
B:Join hands in lines of three and fall back two waltz steps; lead forward.  Do-si-do partner.
C:Circle left.  Circle right.
D:(12 bars): Ones (in middle place) cross; cast up to top.  Lead to the bottom, acknowledging each couple as you pass them (threes move up).  All two-hand turn.


For Lucy Ward, who has known me all her life.  First danced at the ceilidh following her wedding to Alex Dickson, 4th August 2007, with music from Folkus Pocus.  Lucy had trouble with the Star Through because she needed one hand to hold up the train of her wedding dress!  I suspect many bands wouldn't be able to play it well, so I seldom call it.

“Star Through”:  Man let go with left hand; lady let go with right hand.  (In this dance it's easier to describe it as “Let go with your outside hand”.)  Raise your joined hands and both move forward, the lady going under the arch, to finish in each other's places standing side-by-side.  Star Through is not only a change position move but a change direction move.

The New Man        Castle Church Jig: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Colin Hume.  Music: Chris Dewhurst.  1987.

Format: 3 couples longways, Twos Improper

A1:Join hands in lines, go forward and back.  Men swing the lady below (leaving top lady, bottom man spare), finish facing out.
A2:They lead away (go round a couple from the next set), wheel around and lead back, while the bottom man (the New Man of the title) seizes his chance to swing the top lady, and they lead up and wheel around.
B1:Circle left (slip).  Circle right, making sure the New Man and his current partner finish at the top.
B2:Grand chain all the way round.
C1:Promenade with the same person, and when the new man and his lady reach the bottom they promenade up the middle followed by the others, back into a longways set.
C2:Top couple long cast to middle place.  Half figure eight down through the bottom couple to finish improper, ready for the next turn of the dance.
Progressed position is 2M+3L, 1L+3M, 1M+2L.

Written for the wedding of Sian Morgan and Peter Gillam (with Chris Dewhurst playing the organ for the service at Castle Church, Stafford), and called by Joe Hodgson at the wedding ceilidh, 19th December 1987, with Alterations providing the music.

The music appears in the Cloverleaf Collection, Book 2, along with many other excellent country dance tunes composed by Chris Dewhurst.

Northbourne Hop        Northbourne Hop: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 1998.

A1:Ones right-forearm turn 1½ (or 2½) with a step-hop.  Ones left-forearm turn neighbour 1½ or 2½.
A2:Right-hand star for six (1-2-3-hop).  Back with the left.
B1:In lines, four chassées diagonally right into one long line; four diagonally left (finishing with back to partner).  Four diagonally backwards left (into one long line); four diagonally backwards right.
B2:Circle left half-way.  All cross-hand swing, finishing on original side.

Progressed position is 3, 1, 2.

I was lying in my tent at a Folk Camp at Northbourne in Kent when Barbara Bradford walked past and challenged me to write a hornpipe dance called “Northbourne Hop” — because of the association between Kent and hops.  I wrote this dance in four minutes — my record so far!

Rachel's Reel        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Nigel Barrell of Cowplain, Hampshire, 1986.  Music: 6 x 32-bar jigs.
From the book Dance Search.
A1:Join hands in lines, 4 slips left; 4 right.  Circle of six slip right once around.
A2:Lines slip right; slip left.  Circle left.  [Note: Keep these small.]
B1:Right-hand turn partner.  Left-hand turn partner.
B2:Top man cast to the bottom, other men move up.  All swing new partner.
 Repeat the dance five more times, but on alternate times the bottom lady casts up in B2 instead of the top man casting down.

The Rocky Road to Dublin        The Rocky Road to Dublin: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Dance: Colin Hume, 2019.  Tune: Irish traditional.
Format: 3 Couple circle

A1:Ladies cast right shoulder behind your partner and dance left shoulder all the way round your left-hand man to finish on his right (12 steps).
A2:Men cast left shoulder behind this lady and dance right shoulder all the way round your right-hand lady to finish on her left.
B1:All six circle left (6 steps) and right.
B2:Grand chain 4 hands (3 steps per change).
C1:Do-si-do original partner 1½.
C2:Swing the next (new partner) and men can cast her off to start the next turn of the dance.

The tune is a good lively slip-jig and I just wanted to put a lively dance to it.  Slip-jigs are tricky because you have a different number of steps (6 or 12) rather than the 8 you get with jigs and reels, but I think this one works!

The Retiring Librarian        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Geoff Todd, 1994.    Music: 32 bar jigs

A1:Circle left.  Circle right.
A2:Ladies right-hand star.  Left-hand star.
B1:Do-si-do corner.  Swing (new partner).
B2:Promenade anywhere, and find two more couples.

I suggest that the first time you swing your original partner, and the last time you finish with a basket of 6.  Most people eventually realise that you don't actually need three couples — but let them find this out for themselves!

Geoff Todd gave up calling some years ago — he said he was getting rusty and it was becoming a chore.  His dance “Left, Right and Centre” won the Beckenham and Croydon Dance Club's “Dance Search” Competition in 1986 and appears in the Dance Search book.

This one was written in 1994 for Sheila Mainwearing on her retirement as a librarian.  Sheila said it wasn't so much a retirement as having time to do the things she was really interested in, such as the excellent job she used to do booking (and looking after) bands and callers for Sidmouth Festival.  Anyone who knew Sheila would tell you that she wasn't the least bit retiring!

Six and Sixpenny Rant        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Manchester University Dance Group, c. 1970.
Music: 3 x 32-bar rants.

A1:Middle couple stand still to act as posts, ends give right hands: First lady and third man dance a full figure of eight through the middles while their partners dance all the way round the outside (stepping).
A2:Ends give left hands and do the reverse.
B1:Ones lead to the bottom, the others come up the outside to invert the set.  Threes (at the top) face down, make a single-hand arch and lead to the bottom, the others turn in and dance up to finish 2, 1, 3.
B2:Twos dance anti-clockwise all the way round the outside while the others dance anti-clockwise one and a half times round each other to finish 2, 3, 1.
Norman and Denise Bearon have provided the following background information:
The dance is based on Sussex Bonny Breastknot and was composed by a small group of us whilst at university one evening after going back to someone's flat because we were not prepared to pay 6s 6d to get into the local dance (poor students as we were!)
One of the group (a Mr. Peter Fox) then went and published it in English Dance and Song magazine under this name.  At the time we were very upset with him over this because (a) he had not consulted any of us, nor credited anyone else and (b) although that title had been discussed we were concerned lest the real reason for the name became known and we did not want to upset the local District.  We wanted to call it “Varsity Rant”
John Sweeney then gave me the dates:
It was published in the Winter-Christmas 1970 edition of EDS.  The letter complaining about the lack of acknowledgement and the name of the dance was published in the Summer 1971 edition.

Song to the Moon        Song to the Moon: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatSong to the Moon - single line: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways
Dance: Colin Hume, 2017.     Music: Antonin Dvořák, 1841-1904
The dance is in waltz time.  Each sentence is four bars.

A:Ones right-hand turn and then cast to middle place — the lady doesn't spin round, she just goes — as the twos lead up. Ones left-hand turn 1¼ to face first corner — the first man face the third lady and the first lady face the second man.
B:Half diagonal hey for four.  Ones with first corner gipsy right; with partner gipsy left ¾ to face second corner — the first man face the second lady and the first lady face the third man.
C:Half diagonal hey for four.  Ones with second corner gipsy right; with partner gipsy left once around, which leaves the man facing down and the lady facing up.  (The ones are now proper in middle place; the others are improper.)
D:Ones right-hand star with this couple.  All circle left half-way so that the ones are improper in middle place (3 waltz steps), then fall back in lines.
E:Ones go to their left (again man down, lady up): left-hand star with the other couple.  Ones cross (right shoulder) and cast to the bottom, threes wait for two measures and then lead up to second place.

Click to play videoClick to play video

Dvořák is one of my favourite composers — I particularly love the New World Symphony and the Cello Concerto.  Rusalka is a fairy-tale opera, and like many fairy-tales and most operas it's tragic, but this beautiful song is sung by the water sprite heroine before things start going badly wrong.  I hope I've written a dance which fits the tune and will perhaps bring it to the ears of dancers who might not otherwise hear it.  Musicians will be pleased to learn that I've transposed it from G to G.  I've given links to two versions of the music: the first is for solo instrument with piano accompaniment; the second is the usual melody line and chords.  Please, if you're playing accompaniment, have a look at the piano version.  The first part of the tune is in 3-bar phrases with a rest in the melody for the fourth bar, and the accompaniment fills out the fourth bar as Dvořák's orchestration intended.

David Millstone suggests that if you call to recorded music you could take Joshua Bell's beautiful instrumental version (hear it at, do a little tinkering in Audacity — needed to eliminate the long intro, repeat the melody an extra time, adjust the tempo — and you could have a rough MP3.  I had a link to this version, but having now danced to it I realised the timing is so wayward that it's fine for listening to but really not suitable for dancing to.  Instead I've produced my own version which you can Download here.  In 2018 David took the dance to Dvořák's home country where it was enthusiastically received — click the image on the left to see a video of some of his American group giving a beautiful performance of the dance in Prague, with live music from Alchemy  (Karen Axelrod, piano; Rachel Bell, accordion; Eric Martin, violin).  And on the right you can hear a stunning performance of the original song by Frederica von Stade.

Tamar Rant        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Maurice Dart, Published: 1991
Music: 3 x 32-bar rants.

A1:Ones cross diagonally down through the set, pass between the 2nd and 3rd person of the opposite sex and dance a figure of eight around these two people back to the top.
A2:Mirror heys (Ones still improper) and one extra change to bring ones to middle place.
B1:Man up, lady down: right-hand star with this couple.  Ones cross over, left-hand star with the other couple, again finish improper.
B2:Ones half figure eight up through the twos.  Ones and threes swing and change (just half-way) to progress.

Repeat the whole dance twice more.  Rant step except in the stars.  Use plenty of space.

First published in English Dance and Song, Summer 1991.  By then Maurice Dart had lived in Devon and Cornwall for 59 years, and danced there for 39 of them.  He named this dance after the one common factor — the River Tamar.

Whitby Town        Print this danceTop of page

Format: Three couple square (twos on the right of the ones, and a gap between twos and threes).
Dance:  Elaine Beckingham, Published: 1995
Music: 3 x 32 bar jigs.

A1:Men stand behind partners (optionally with hands on lady's waist): Shetland reel (reel of three with couples acting as a unit) started by the ones and twos passing right shoulder.
A2:Ones and twos do-si-do opposite.  Ones and threes do-si-do opposite.
B1:Twos and threes do a ladies chain (there and back) while ones wait for the ladies to cross, then lead through the other couples and cast back to place.
B2:Ones and twos right and left through [half].  Ones and threes right and left through [half].

The second man must make sure he finishes the Shetland reel on his partner's left.

First published in English Dance and Song, Spring 1995.  Elaine Beckingham comes from Sheffield and is a well-known and popular caller in that area.  At that time she had been calling for about twenty years, and writes and calls dances in various styles — Playford, American and Ceilidh.  She has called with “Airs and Graces” for twelve years; she has done evenings of her own dances at Whitby Festival (where I came across her some years ago) and Sidmouth.  The formation of the dance is meant to represent Whitby with the East and West piers.  Her view is that a good caller must be very aware of the audience.  You're there for the dancers, not to show how good you are, and you need to remember that there was a time when you didn't know what the terms meant.  She's also very keen that the dance should fit the music.

Ann Taylor from Wirral has pointed out that this is essentially the same as a Scottish dance called Indian River Strathspey devised by George Senyck from Florida and published in 2009.  I don't know which came first.

White Wheat        Watching the Wheat: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatWatching the Wheat: Piano solo: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Hazel Moir, 2005.
Music: Welsh Traditional: Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn (waltz time).

A1:First long corners (top man and bottom woman) cross right into each other's places and loop left to finish on the outside of the set, in middle places, and form left-hand stars on each side while middle woman faces down and middle man faces up, move into the end places vacated by the active dancers, and form the left-hand stars, and top woman & bottom man wait, and form the stars on their own side.  The stars move all the way round and finish in two lines of three, the actives moving forward into the middle of each line.
A2:Second long corners (top woman and bottom man) cross left into each other's places and loop right, middle dancers following, to make right-hand stars on each side.  Continue with mirror image of A1.
B1:End dancers cross right shoulder and turn right while middle dancers turn single three-quarters (right shoulder back).  All circle left one place (single file).  All face partner for a long back-to-back (4 bars).
B2:First couple meet and cast to the bottom (4 bars).  Second and third couples wait (2 bars) and move up individually, and all face partners.  Partners 'Hole in the Wall' cross and face, then step right and honour.
Repeat twice more.

Wiltshire Six Hand Reel  The Young Widow  

3 Couples:  Playford-style

Ah, leave me not to pine        Ah, leave me not to pine: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatAh, leave me not to pine - piano solo: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Added 19-Nov-24

Dance: Colin Hume, 2024
Music: Arthur Sullivan, 1879, from “The Pirates of Penzance”.
Format: 3 couples longways

A:(7 bars): 1st man cast (2nd man move up) and cross with 3rd woman (9 steps).  1st woman cast (2nd woman move up) and cross with 3rd man (9 steps), lines fall back (3 steps).
B:(6 bars): Set in lines moving forward (2 bars); ones cast up to middle, middles lead down, tops two-hand turn half-way (6 steps); lines step back with two singles (2 bars) — all now improper, 2-1-3..
C:Ones meet and fall back; cast right shoulder to middle of virtual lines across (no need to take hands) while first long corners (2W 3M) Hole-in-the-Wall cross.  Ones meet and fall back; cast to middle while second long corners (2M 3W) cross.

Click to play video

I performed in “Pirates” while at university, and I think this song is one of the best bits of the show — I remember calling out the leading man at a rehearsal where he was hamming it up — everyone else was scared of him.  It's not an obvious tune for an English Country Dance, with an A-music of 7 bars of triple-time, a B-music of 6 bars and a C-music of 8 bars, further complicated by the occasional tied note across a bar-line, but I'm certainly not going to hack about Sullivan's beautiful music to fit it into a conventional structure.  I get the band to play the tune and I show people where the bar-lines are — particularly the two places where there isn't actually a note on the bar-line.  My starting points were the first man casting (leaving his partner to pine, alone and desolate) and the ones meeting, falling back and casting in the C-music, where the meeting and falling back is to the words (of the second verse) “He loves me, he is gone”.  Then I realised the twos and threes weren't doing much, so I added the corners crossing.  Then all I had to do was to get people to the right places before that!  Don't worry about how many steps you take for the first cast and how many for the cross, so long as the moves flow together and there are 9 steps in total.  Click the image to see it being danced at my House Party Weekend in November 2024.

In addition to the music with chords (and a second part) I've given a link to a piano solo version, in case you have a pianist who can play from the dots (unlike me).

Angelique        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Bill Kinsman.    Music: 6 x 32 bar reels.

A1:Lines forward and back.  Back-to-back partner.
A2:Two-hand turn partner.  All circle left half-way.
B1/2:Men (on the ladies' side) face down and dance two-thirds of a sheepskin hey, then the new leader leads the line around to face a new partner.
 Alternate turns of the dance start improper, and the bottom lady leads the sheepskin hey.

Bill came across a simple dance by Peggy Hazell called “The Tulip” which just had the men weaving round the ladies and back to their own partner.  He decided he could do something more interesting and this is the result.  “Angelique” is the name of a big double tulip — there it is on the right.

My thanks to John Sweeney for pointing out that I had the wrong sex leading the sheepskin hey.  If you picked this dance up from here before February 2017 please correct your card!

For another dance with a partial sheepskin hey, see The Viking's Sheepskin on my Scottish Dance page.

Barbara Walton's Delight        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Irene Crew.     Music: 3 x 32 bar reels.

A1:Join hands in a circle of 6: set right only, slip left all the way (6 bars); in lines set right and left.
A2:Ones and threes double figure eight round the twos: ones cast, threes cross up through the twos to start.
B1:Middles go left (man up, lady down): figure 8 through this couple.
B2:At the top, right-hand star half-way; cross right with partner.  At the bottom, left-hand star half-way; cross left with partner.

First published in English Dance and Song, Autumn 1999.  For information about Irene Crew and Barbara Walton, see The Countryman's Hat

The Bath Waltz  The Black Boy  Black Nag  The Bowmen of Kent  

Capers in the Snow        Capers in the Snow: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Ellen Taylor, 1987.

A:(16 bars):  1st couple set and cast to middle (2s move up).  1st couple set and cast to bottom (3s move up).
 1st couple lead up through 3rd couple, who move down; 1st couple pass outside 2nd couple, who move down.  2nd couple cast back to top while 1st couple two-hand turn moving down to 2nd place.
B:(16 bars):  1st couple go right (man down, woman up) for right-hand stars with this couple.  1st couple pass right shoulder into left-hand stars at the other end.  Finish on own side, man facing down, woman up.
 Right shoulder heys on own side (6 bars); 1st couple meet in middle and lead to bottom, while 3rd couple finish in middle place.

Chamberlain Election        Chamberlain Election: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Matthew Welch, 1767:
“A Variety of English Country Dances for the present Year…By Cards”

A1:Ones cast to the bottom.  Cast back to the top, followed by the threes and twos to invert the set.
A2:Ones cross (quick), go below the next, cross to the bottom.  Ones lead up to the top and cast to middle place.
B1:Man down, lady up: Allemande right with first corner (a slow walk, once around, gazing at each other).  Ones move straight up or down the set to allemande left ¾ with second corner till the ones are facing each other, then the ones gipsy left half-way to face out on the men's side with the lady on the right of her partner.
B2:Lead out 4 steps through the men (swagger), on the last two raise your joined hands and turn away from each other to face back into the set; lead back to the middle with hands joined across your bodies.  Lead through the ladies and unwind; the man draw his partner back to middle place.

The original interpretation was by Tom Cook and was published in the sleeve notes of an LP by The Falconers called “Playford Style”; I haven't been to the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library to study the original book.  The threes and twos following the ones in A1 was added by Tom to convert the dance from triple minor to 3-couple reverse progression.  My instructions are the same as those in the sleeve notes except that Tom says that the ones don't cast at the start of A1 — they just move down the outside, and again that they don't cast up, they just turn in and move up.  I can't see why.  The notes actually say there is plenty of time in A1 and casting would use up more of it.  The notes say Skip change step is suggested for A1 and A2, and a slow walk for B1 and B2 but I prefer a one-two-three-hop (more of a 1-2-3-push forward) for the first half, and in A2 there's very little time so make sure it's a push forward rather than a push upward.  Then in B1 the dance slows down dramatically, and a lot of people just can't make the transition.  Actually a lot of people can't do the allemande either!  Link right elbows with your first corner, so your arm is flat against their back, not bent, then put your left hand behind your back and take the other person's spare hand.  Corners, don't move forward to meet the ones: let them come to you.  B2 also fools some people, and make sure you go well out through the ladies so that the man can actually draw his partner into second place rather than her being there already.  I recommend that callers demonstrate the whole dance.  And if someone has taught you a simplified version with just the lady turning under the arch both times, the way I do it is the way Tom Cook specifies it.  Musicians, make a contrast between the bouncy A-music and the smooth B1.

Barbara Segal — a historical dance teacher who knows a lot more about these things than I do — says it wouldn't have been a 1-2-3-hop, it would have been an allemande step: allemandes were all the rage then and this dance contains the allemande move.  Tom said the B2 moves for the ones were also called an allemande — how confusing!  I would describe an allemande step as a 1-2-3 without the hop — the first step with a flat foot and the second and third steps on the toes.

Close Harmony        Close Harmony: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways, Twos Improper
Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2012.  The tune is in 3-time.

A:Twos cross left shoulder, loop left, round one to the middle of lines across, close together (12 steps).  Lines fall back (3 steps), lead forward (3 steps); circle right half-way (6 steps) — drive the circle round.
B:Twos cross right shoulder, loop right, round one to the middle of lines up and down.  Lines fall back, lead forward; circle left half-way (home).
C:All cross right shoulder with partner, turn right (6 steps); single file two places round the entire set, to 3L 2M, 3M 1L, 2L 1M.  Back-to-back opposite (shadow), finishing well apart — ladies observe the man on your left.
D:Ladies meet in the centre (R, L, R), step on the left foot and curtsey; cast right shoulder around the man on the left to finish opposite partner (12 steps); two-hand turn partner half-way (6).
Standard progression.  It may help to note that A is all anti-clockwise and B is all clockwise.  And if you look at your partner as you cross it should be obvious which way to go next.

Jenni, Dan, Victoria, Dave, Nigel, CeliaI've known Nigel and Celia Close and their daughters Victoria and Jenni for many years; Victoria says she can't remember a time when she didn't know me.  They are all beautiful dancers and danced with Woodfidley, the best English Folk Dance team I have ever seen, for whom I put together several sequences of dances and wrote “The Buttercross”.  I had long thought of writing a dance for them, but a dance for one man and three ladies seemed to have limited appeal.  Then in 2008 Victoria married Dave Yeomans, becoming the flute and accordion duo “Deo Volente”, in 2012 Jenni married Dan Hall, and suddenly a three-couple dance was indicated.

I was planning to call it “Close Encounters”, but Fiona Birchall had already used this title for her dance for one man and three ladies dedicated to the Close family in “A Hampshire Garland”, 1998.  Then I remembered that Nigel, Celia and Jenni sang in an excellent West Gallery choir called “Madding Crowd” and a better title occurred to me.  First called at Eastbourne Folk Festival in May 2012 with music from Bare Necessities when only Nigel and Celia were present, but at Chippenham Folk Festival a few weeks later all six of them were on hand to demonstrate the dance.

Click the image to watch a video of me calling it in the States in 2015.Click to play video

Cockle-Buttons        The Matelot: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Dave Martin of Newquay, Cornwall, 1986
From the book Dance Search
Music: 3 x The Matelot.

A1:Face on the left diagonal: First man third lady dance half-way round outside of the set (clockwise) to each other's place, while the others set right and left; turn single right.  All back-to-back with the opposite person, right shoulder.
A2:Face on the right diagonal: First lady third man dance half-way round the outside of the set (anticlockwise), while the others set left and right; turn single left.  All back-to-back with partner left shoulder.
B1:Take hands in lines: fall back a double; lead forward a double.  Hands-six, circle left half-way.  [Now home but with twos improper.]
B2:Twos face up: Half a Grimstock hey (ones lead through twos, threes through ones, twos through threes).  Twos cast up to the top and two-hand turn half-way, threes two-hand turn moving down to middle place, ones at the bottom two-hand turn.

 Helpful note: At the start of A1 and A2, the first step of the diagonal set and turn single is on the inside foot.

Colin's BMX        Colin's BMX: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

(well — who's heard of his big LX?)

Dance and Music: Trevor Monson, October 2004.

3 couple longways, 2's improper

A1-4All back to back — 2's with 3's and 1's with partner,
 5-81's long cast into middle place while 2's 2-hand turn ½ way & lead up to top while 3's set & turn single.
B11-41's go right for right-hand stars of 3 once round at each end, 1's finish facing their 1st corners for…
 5-8½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners (passing right shoulder to start).  1's then pass right shoulder in the middle and face 2nd corners for…
B21-4½ diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners (passing right shoulder to start).  1's finish in middle place improper for…
 5-81's go right for right-hand stars of 3 at each end.     (3 1 2 all improper)
C1-4Top 2 couples pot hook to change sides — 1st lady & 3rd man passing right to start and then 1st man & 3rd lady pass left
 5-8Bottom 2 couples pot hook to change sides — 1st & 2nd ladies passing right and then 1st & 2nd men pass left.     (3 1 imp 2)

This is the first tune Trevor has ever written.  Keeping Thyme refused to play his F#dim chords, and Trevor admitted that he didn't understand chords at all!  I have replaced them with something more feasible.  He called the dance at my 60th birthday party dance (the “big LX”).

According to Wikipedia, BMX (an abbreviation for bicycle motocross) is a form of cycling on bikes, generally with 20 inch wheels.  It originated in California in the 1970s, where teenagers imitated their motocross heroes on their pedal bicycles.  I'm happy to say that I have never owned or ridden one.

The B part has a Scottish flavour and can be danced with a skip-change step provided you don't get ahead of the music!

Cons-sequence        Cons-sequence: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Ellen Taylor, 1977.

A1:1st couple set; cast to middle place (2nd couple move up).  1st couple lead through 3rd couple and cast back to middle place.
B1:On the right diagonal set; turn single.  1st couple circle left with the couple on your right.
A2:Heys across the set with this couple — 1st couple start left shoulder with opposite sex.
B2:On the left diagonal set; turn single.  1st couple circle left with the couple on your left.
A3:Heys across the set with this couple — 1st couple start right shoulder with opposite sex.
B3:1st and 3rd couples three changes with hands.  All two-hand turn.

Repeat twice more.

Both music and dance were composed in honour of the Morley College Folk Dance Club's Golden Jubilee, their dances being regularly held in the Emma Cons Hall at Morley College.

The Cornish Squire  The Coronation  

Cotswold Capers        Cotswold Capers: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Added 19-Oct-24

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Jill Lawrence — Dances for Gloucestershire, 1974.

A1:Tops cross and cast to middle place; middles move up.  Circle 6 half-way and straighten the lines.
A2:Bottoms (twos) cross and cast up to middle place; middles move down.  Circle 6 half-way and straighten the lines.  [Now home, ones and twos improper.]
B:(16 bars): Top four turn in towards neighbour and give inside hands to make an arch facing out while bottoms (threes) cast up, go through one arch, move to your right and give nearer hand to neighbour (man to second man, woman to first woman) to form same-sex lines facing out.  Same people lead your line round in a half circle to turn it upside down.
 Middles roll your right-hand neighbour across to change places; all set to partner.  Cross-hand swing 1½ to finish on own side.  Standard progression.

Jill uses numbers in her instructions but I find it clearer to use positions, though in some places I've given numbers in italics just in case you want them.

Cupid's Garden  

David of Dean        David of Dean: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Added 25-Oct-24

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Jill Lawrence, Music: David Martin — Dances for Gloucestershire.
First Figure:
A1:Up a double and back.  Set to partner; cross right shoulder.
A2:Down a double, etc.
B1:Middles go left: Left-hand star with this couple.  Ends arch, middles through arch to place.
B2:Middles go right: Right-hand star, etc.
Second Figure:
A1:Side (Cecil Sharp).  Set; cross over.
A2:That again.
B1:Middles go left: Hey for three across with this couple.
B2:All back-to-back right shoulder.  Middles go right: Circle left with this couple.
Third Figure:
A1:Arm right.  Set; Cross over.
A2:Arm left.  Set; cross over and middles continue clockwise…
B1:Middles go round this couple to partner's place.  Lines of three forward a double and back.
B2:Ends two-hand turn, middles give right hands, man turn the lady under to stay close, then fall back.  In lines step right and honour; left.

December Rose        December Rose: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2003.

A1:(24 bar jig): First lady quick cast to middle place, end men step forward; set in a wave.  Lady up: four changes of a straight hey for three, finishing with ones passing left shoulder — second man move down on the last four beats, third man loop left into top place.
 Lady down, man up: heys for three across, lady starting right shoulder with second man, man starting right shoulder with second lady — twos and threes not with partner.
 Ones keep going: pass the same person right shoulder and loop right to middle place.  Lead to the bottom (bottoms cast up); two-hand turn half-way.
A2:First man cast up to middle place, end ladies step forward; set in a wave.  Man down: four changes of a hey for three, finishing with the ones passing left shoulder — 3rd lady move up on the last four beats, second lady loop left into bottom place.
 Lady down, man up: heys for three across (lady starting right shoulder with 2nd man, man starting right shoulder with 3rd lady).
 Ones keep going: pass the same person right shoulder and loop right to middle place.  Lead to the top (tops cast); two-hand turn half-way.  [Order is now 1, 3, 2.]
Note: All the heys and the ones' loop are danced with a skip-change step.
B1:(3-time): Ones cast to middle place (6 steps); half figure eight down.  All circle 6 left half-way; gipsy right with partner.
B2:Ones stand still, twos and threes half double figure eight through them, tops casting and bottoms crossing up (12 steps).  Ones lead to the top and acknowledge (all home); cast to the bottom as the threes lead up.

Christine Robb

Commissioned by Karen Millyard (on behalf of the Toronto English Country Dance Group) for Christine Robb when she got married and moved to Boston.  I was told by the group and her husband Kim what she liked: complex dance, energetic, stepping, complicated or unusual heys, strong driving open circles, gipsies — and came up with this.  The first part may seem rather Scottish, but the three-time second part establishes it as English — with even a hint of Pat Shaw's “Four Winds”.

The other dance I wrote for Christine is Christine's Conundrum — I don't know which of the two is harder!

Delia        Delia: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance: Ellen Taylor, 1977.
Tune: from “The Amorous Goddess” by Samuel Howard, 1710-1782.

A1:Step right and honour partner; same left.  Right-hand turn.
A2:Promenade round to the left and back up to place.
B1:Ones cross and cast below the twos who lead up.  Ones half figure eight up through the twos.
B2:Ones cross and cast below the threes who stay.  Ones half figure eight up through the threes; threes lead up.
C1:Grimstock hey: Tops (twos) down the middle, middles up the outside, etc.
C2:All two-hand turn.  Set and turn single.

Ellen doesn't say when the twos and threes move up in B1 and B2 but I'm suggesting (contrary to my usual approach) that the threes delay their lead up, otherwise the ones won't have a gap to go through for their half figure eight.

Dr. Fausters Tumblers  Draw Cupid Draw  The Duchess of Hamilton's …The Duchess of Hamilton's Rant  The Fantocini  Festing's Minuet  

Flights of Fancy        The Susanbirds of Wendell: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance: Susan Kevra, 1995.
Tune: “The Susanbirds of Wendell”, Bill Tomczak, 1994.

A1:All set to partner; turn right and cast to invert the line (4 bars); right-hand turn partner half-way.
A2:All that again.
B1:First man hand partner down into cross heys, finishing with the ones home but improper.
B2:All set; ones cast to bottom (8 steps) while others lead up.  Others two-hand turn; ones half turn on last four counts.

For You Shall See        Miss Brook: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.       Dance: Dick Hosking, 1998.
Music: 3 x 32 bar steady Scottish reels such as Miss Brook by J. Scott Skinner.

A1:Cross heys.
A2:Hey own sides.
B1:Lines forward and back.  Twos out to own right: right-hand star two places; all move round the set two more places (men 2, 3, 1, ladies 3, 1, 2).  [Twos lead own-sex line home.]
B2:Circle left (slip).  Circle right.
It's a change partner dance.

Written for his wife Maggie in memory of their honeymoon in 1993 near Fuschlsee.

Forsooth        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Francis Carter, 1991     Music: 3 x 32 bar bouncy jigs

A1:Ones cross, cast below twos who lead up.  Ones half figure eight up, and end facing first corners (man facing the bottom lady, lady facing the top man).
A2:Those four people dance a diagonal reel (right shoulder), and the ones do the final change right shoulder to finish improper in second place.
B1:Ones set; cast to the bottom as the threes lead up.  Ones half figure eight up through the threes.
B2:Top two couples face down: Inverted Grimstock (mirror) hey.

Skip-change step throughout.  The style is more Scottish than English — and why not?

Written for Sue Downs.  It must have done the trick — she married him a few years later!  Published in Sussex Folk Harvest, 1991 — it won the competition that year.

Garden of Eden        Brian Boru's March: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Geoff Shaul, Welling, Kent, 1986.
From the book Dance Search.
Tune: Brian Boru's March (traditional), played AABB, AABB, AA — Slow and stately.

First Figure:
A1:Top lady set right and left; top two ladies take hands and set.  All three ladies take hands and set; all turn single upwards (ladies right, men left).
A2:Bottom man set; bottom two men take hands and set.  All three men take hands and set; all turn single downwards (men right, ladies left).
B1:Top couple lead a promenade round to the left and back up the middle to place (12 steps); all turn single upwards, finish facing down (4 steps).
B2:Bottom couple lead a promenade round to the right and back down the middle to place (12 steps); all turn single downwards (4 steps).
Second Figure:
A1:Top couple give two hands: 2 slips up, 2 down; top two couples same.  All three couples same; all two-hand turn half-way.
A2:Bottom couple slip down and up; bottom two couples same.  All three couples same; all two-hand turn half-way.
B1:Top couple lead between the middle couple to start a full Grimstock hey (12 steps); all turn single downwards (4 steps).
B2:Bottom couple lead up between the middle couple to start another Grimstock hey (12 steps); all turn single upwards (4 steps).
Third Figure:
A1:Top couple give right hands: step forward and back; top two couples same.  All three couples same; change places turning the lady under.
A2:Bottom couple give right hands: step forward and back; bottom two couples same.  All three couples same; change places turning the lady under.
 Coda (if you're using the James Galway recording): Retaining hold with partner, men honour; ladies honour.

Gold for Bernice        Gold for Bernice: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2007/8.

A1:(10 bars):  Ones cross and cast one place, twos lead up (6 steps); ones back-to-back (6 steps).  Join hands in lines of three: fall back (3 steps), lead forward (3 steps).  Ones to your own right (man up, lady down): half reels across with this couple (6 steps); ones to your right: half figure eight through the other couple (so the ones do an ellipse), finishing 2, 1, 3, all improper.
A2:Twos the same — except that going to your right means man down, lady up — all finishing home.
B1:(10 bars):  At the top, first corners cross (first man, second lady) (3 steps), second corners cross; all circle left half-way.  Top couple (threes) cross down into a mirror (Grimstock) hey, finishing 3, 1, 2 (12 steps).  All two-hand turn (6 steps).
B2:At the top, first corners cross (third man, first lady), second corners cross; all circle left half-way.  Top couple (twos) cross down into a mirror hey, finishing 2, 3, 1.  All two-hand turn.

For Bernice and Ken Jackson on their Golden Wedding.

I think this is version 7 of the dance — I struggled to get it right.  Trevor Monson tried out various versions and gave useful feedback, until we arrived at this.  In A1, I suggest the caller walk through the half reel, stop, then walk through the half figure eight.  Now warn the ones that the ends will still be moving as they start the half figure eight, and they need to go through the other couple, turn left and go round the same-sex person to finish where they started the reel.  Now walk the two moves through together.  In a Grimstock hey I always recommend that the dancers take their partner's hand at the end of the set.

Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace        Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     John Young: Dancing Master 17th Edition Volume 1, 1721.
Music: 6 x Own tune.

Original wording:

The 1. cu. sett and cast off then sett and cast off 2. cu.  .  Then the same to their places again  :  The 1. Man whole figure with the 3. cu. and the Wo. with the 2. cu.  .  Then the 1. Man whole figure with the 2. cu. and the Wo. with the 3. cu.  : 

Then the 1. Man hands half round with the 3. cu. and the 1. Wo. hands half round with the 2. cu.  :  Then the 1. Wo. hands half round with the 3. cu. and the Man hands half round with the 2. cu.  .  The first Man hay with the 3. cu. and the 1. Wo. hays with the 2. cu.  :  Then the 1. Wo. hays with the 3. cu. and the Man hays with the 2. cu.

A1:Ones set; cast, twos lead up.  Same, threes lead up.
A2:Twos the same.  [Order is now 3, 1, 2.]
B1:First man down, lady up: figure eight through this couple.
B2:Ones cross: figure eight through the other couple.
A3:Ones cross and circle with this couple 1½ (12 steps) into lines across (ones in middle, ends improper); ones cross.
A4:Same with other couple; ones cross left shoulder, turn left into:
B3:Reels of three with this couple (pass left shoulder with opposite sex to start).
B4:Ones cross: reel with the other couple.
 [Reverse progression]

The standard interpretation of this dance is by Douglas and Helen Kennedy in the Country Dance Book New Series of 1929.  The original instructions seem pretty clear, despite the underlined dots being the wrong way round in the second half; the horizontal line is probably there to indicates that twice through the tune is once through the dance.  The only oddity is that under the line there is a circle half, which would take four steps, and even with the ones then taking another four steps to cross to the other end there's still far too much music, so I agree with the Kennedys that the circle should be 1½.

The clever modification, which I believe was by Barbara Kinsman, is in A2 to have the twos repeat the ones' move from A1 rather than the ones having all the fun and casting up to the top again.  This gives a reverse progression, so that it can be converted from triple minor to a 3-couple set dance without adding a final “and the ones lead to the bottom” which you get in other dances such as The Fandango.  And it puts the ones in middle place, from which they lead the rest of the dance, rather than the awkward move to get into the first figure eight.

In the first circle 1½ the ones need to be firm with their neighbours, who really won't want to finish the first circle improper!  12 steps for the circle and four steps for the ones to cross is how the timing works, so please fit the moves to the music.  And when the ones cross at the end of A4 it's vital that they cross left shoulder so that they turn left into the final reel, otherwise they will probably go the wrong way and finish improper.

Grimsditch Hall        Grimsditch Hall: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Roy Hordsley, 1986.
From the book Dance Search.

A1:First couple quick right-hand turn; cast to second place (second couple lead up).  All back-to-back right shoulder.
A2:First couple left-hand turn; cast to bottom (third couple lead up).  All back-to-back left shoulder.
B1:Lines fall back; lead forward.  Circle left half-way.
B2:All that again.  [All are now on original sides, first couple at the bottom.]
A3:Face on the right diagonal: Top lady and bottom man cast left shoulder behind their own line and into each other's places while the others dance two changes with hands.  All set and turn single.
A4:The same dancers repeat the same movements to get back again.
B3/4:The Grimsditch Hey: Upside-down Morris hey, each couple crossing as they go down the middle, and again to return to own side.  [This means that the middle couple cross going down through the bottom couple, while the bottom couple cast up to middle place and then lead up through the top couple who cast down into middle place, and so on.]
 Repeat twice more.

Note from the book:

Miss Joyce Rumney, a long-standing member of the Stockton Heath Group, regularly invites fellow-members to dance at her home — Grimsditch Hall.  This dance and tune were composed by Roy Hordley after one such visit.

Grimstock  The Hare's Maggot  Harper's Frolick  Humours of the Age  

Invisible Mending        The Balloon: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Sue Downs, 1998.     Music: 3 x The Balloon (Fallibroome 6)

First Figure:
A1:Up a double; set away and together (men left, ladies right).  Full turn single away to finish facing up; fall back a double.
A2:Down a double; set away and together (men right, ladies left).  Full turn single away to finish facing down; fall back a double.
B1:Ends two-hand turn half-way; top two couples circle left half-way.  All circle left half-way to finish 3, 1, 2 with the ones improper.
B2:“Magic Hey”: Full Grimstock (mirror) hey, but ones cross on final lead up to finish proper in middle place.
Second Figure:
A1:Into-line siding right shoulder to right, then turn to face partner; turn single left to place.  Left-shoulder back-to-back.
A2:Into-line siding left shoulder to left, then turn to face partner; turn single right to place.  Right-shoulder back-to-back.
B1:Ends two-hand turn half-way; top two couples circle left half-way.  All circle left half-way.
B2:“Magic Snake”: Ladies about turn into a Shetland reel, men following partners, top two couples pass right shoulder to start — middles cross at the last moment to finish proper.
Third Figure:
A1:Right-hand turn partner half-way; men move down a double, ladies up.  Fall back; finish the right-hand turn.
A2:The same left.
B1:Ends two-hand turn half-way; top two couples circle left half-way.  All circle left half-way.
B2:“Magic Star”: Middles to own left: Right-hand star with this couple.  Cross right shoulder with partner into left-hand star with this couple, and all finish proper.

I'm sure you've worked out that it's called “Invisible Mending” because the active couple are improper at the end of B1 and magically become proper at the end of the figure.

Jack Pudding  Jackey Tarr  

Janet Murphy's Delight        Janet Murphy's Delight: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Colin Hume, Music: Jenny Jones, 1989.
Each line of music is ten bars of three-time.

A1:First lady cast, first man wait three beats and follow; twos lead up, ones finishing improper in second place.  Lines fall back, come forward; set in lines.  All two-hand turn partner half-way (2 bars).
A2:Top two men “Hole in the Wall” cross: cross, face, back away; top two ladies the same.  Circle 6 left all the way (6 bars).
B1:Ones “Hole in the Wall” cross; cast to middle place as the twos lead up and cast out.  Ones lead down through the threes and cast up to place, followed by the twos.  Ones cast to middle place while twos lead up to top place (2 bars).
B2:Threes “Hole in the Wall” cross; cast up to middle place as the ones lead down and cast out.  Threes lead up through the twos and cast to place, followed by the ones.  Threes cast up to middle place while ones lead down to bottom place (2 bars).

From the book Dances with a Difference, Volume 3:

First danced at Morland Village Hall on Friday 18th August 1989.

Janet Murphy is in her eighties, but is still amazingly alert and interested in everything.  After doing my version of a Playford dance she's been known to say: “I've been dancing that for fifty years, but I really think your way is better.”  I hope I'm as open-minded as that.  Her husband Bill was a well-known folk dancer and a leading figure in the Morris revival.  We displayed the dance on the final evening of the Morland Dance Week, and Janet was as taken aback as I've ever seen her!

Note: “Hole in the Wall” crossings are sometimes referred to as “Well-Hall” crossings in the States.

Jill's Jig  

John's Folly        John's Folly: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2000

A1:Top two couples circle left.  Pass that same neighbour right shoulder to start half a straight hey on the side.
A2:Bottom two couples (twos and ones) circle right.  Pass that same neighbour left shoulder to start half a straight hey (home).
B1:Ones and twos take nearer hand with partner and set to neighbour; twos move up the outside as ones move down, first man rolling his partner across to change places with her.  Ones and threes the same, so that the ones finish at the bottom on their own side.
B2:Take hands in lines of three and fall back a double; lead forward a double.  All two-hand turn.

Written for John Konvalinka, who bought the dance at the Pinewoods auction during English Week 2000.  John asked for a three-couple dance, smooth and flowing, which would be suitable for beginners but enjoyable by experienced dancers.  My first version proved far too complicated, but I managed to simplify it and call it on the final afternoon of the camp.

John suggested the title (possibly his reaction to topping the bidding for a dance and tune which hadn't even been written), and this gave me the rhythm of the first bar of the tune, its Scotch snap setting me off on a tune and dance which have something of a Scottish flavour.

The Jolly Bishop of Cleeve        The Jolly Bishop of Cleeve: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Jill Lawrence — Dances for Gloucestershire, 1973.
Play the tune 6 times through for 3 times through the dance.

A1:Twos set to partner; set on the left diagonal.  Two-hand turn this person.
A2:Twos set to partner; set on the right diagonal.  Two-hand turn this person.
B1:Twos cast right shoulder, man finish above top couple, lady below bottom couple.  Right-hand stars half-way; twos left-hand turn, all finish improper.
B2:Twos again cast right shoulder (man down, lady up).  Right-hand star half-way; twos left-hand turn, all finish home.
A3:Twos pass through left shoulder, the others about turn; lines set right and left moving out.  Circle left in these threes half-way round and move in to face partner.
A4:Twos give right hands: half figure eight down through the bottom couple.  All back-to-back with partner.
C3:Second man up, lady down: Circle left with this couple until the twos are improper.  Twos swap circles, continue circling left until the twos are home.
C4:Three changes with hands at the bottom (4 steps each); all turn single.
 Reverse progression.

Jonathan's Jig        Jonathan's Jig: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 1998

A1:(12 bars): Middles (“actives”) go right (man down, lady up): Half hey across with this couple, then actives quick right-hand turn half-way to take their partner's place in the other half of the other hey — finish with actives improper (8 bars, skip-change step).  Actives cross right shoulder; loop right one place, man finishing in top place on the men's side, lady in bottom place on the ladies side while first man and third lady move right into middle place (4 bars).
A2:New middles repeat, all finishing in original place.
B1:(12 bars): Middles left-hand turn half-way; cross giving right hands on the right diagonal (all diagonal crosses are with same sex).  Cross left hand on the left diagonal; cross right hand on the right diagonal, finishing 3, 2 improper, 1.  Circle 6 left half-way, finishing 1 improper, 2, 3 improper, in lines well apart.
B2:Lines forward and back.  Ones cross and cast; twos lead up.  Threes cross and cast up; ones lead to the bottom.
Standard progression.  Repeat the dance twice more.

The dance and tune were bought by David Macemon and Cynthia Stenger at the auction at Mendocino English Week 1998, for their son Jonathan Macemon.  They suggested the title, and since Jonathan was very young at the time I started the tune with a quote from the children's song “Here we go round the mulberry bush”.

King George's Birth Day  King's Parade  

The King's Ring        The King's Ring: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 or 4 couple circle.     Dance and Music: Jill Lawrence, 1974
First Figure:
A1:Join hands in a ring: balance forward and back; 4 slips left.  Balance; 4 slips right.
A2:Balance; 4 slips right.  Balance; 4 slips left.
B1:Men right-hand star to partner's place while women skip counter-clockwise round the set to partner's place [and meet with a gypsy left half-way].  Women right-hand star to own place while men skip counter-clockwise round the set to own place [and gypsy left to place].
B2:Partner left-hand turn half-way and face the next, right-hand turn all the way, partner left-hand turn half-way.
Second Figure:
A1:Balance forward and back to partner (no hands); 4 slips to own left and men join left hands in a star.  Balance forward and back; 4 slips right.
A2:Balance; 4 slips right and women join right hands in a star.  Balance; 4 slips left.
B1:Men put women in with backs to centre; men 4 slips left to face next woman.  Give both hands to her, bring her out to your left and stay facing; all loop out (men left, women right) to face own partner.
B2:Women put men in with backs to centre; women 4 slips right.  Bring next man out to your right; all loop out (again men left, women right) to face own partner.
Third Figure:
A1:Balance forward and back to partner; gypsy left half-way.  Balance; gypsy right half-way.
A2:Balance; gypsy right half-way.  Balance; gypsy left half-way.
B1:All to centre, clap on 4th beat; give inside hand to partner, women cast right, followed by partner to face out and join hands in a back ring.  4 steps to right; release hands and turn right to face centre.
B2:All to centre, clap; women cast left, followed by partner to face out in a back ring.  4 steps to left; release hands and turn left to face partner.

The first figure doesn't do what you might expect, but Jill is absolutely clear: it's a right-hand star and dance counter-clockwise both times, meaning a complete change of direction for everyone at the start of B2, so I'm suggesting you meet your partner at the end of B1 with a gypsy left half-way.  Similarly at the end of B2 to finish home, ready to flow into the left-hand turn half-way.

In the second figure I would do the “putting in” with two hands, like the “bringing out” which follows it.

In the third figure I'm sure Jill means that having given inside hand to partner you keep hold, so you're wheeling out as a couple to form the back ring.  And at the end she definitely wants everyone to turn left (which is the way you're moving in the back ring) to face your partner, so men please turn left three-quarters instead of turning right one quarter — it flows so much better.

Liz's Hope        Liz's Hope: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2020

A1:Ones cross and cast; twos move up.  Ones half figure eight down through the threes and finish wide of the set facing up.
A2:Grimstock hey, started by the twos moving down the middle while the ones continue up the outside.
B1:Ones go right (man down, lady up): back-to-back with first corners.  Man up, lady down: left-shoulder back-to-back with second corners.
B2:First man cross with third lady; first lady cross with third man.  Same four single file clockwise half-way; ones cast, threes move up.

Written for Liz Hope, who has been a mover and a shaker for Folk Music and Dance in Staffordshire as long as I've known her.  For 20 years she ran the Stafford Music Day which introduced many musicians to the joys (and skills) of playing for dancing under the tutelage of a host of expert musicians.  Musicians from all over the country attended, so the day became oversubscribed, and rather than turn people away she started running two Music Days a year.  In 2020 Liz asked me to write a no-contact dance.  At first I wasn't willing, but it was Liz's Hope that this might encourage people back to dancing after the Covid pandemic.  I came up with this, and it was first called by Brian Stanton at the Mercian Folk Callers' Forum in 2022, with music from Vic Smith.  This organisation is a successor to the Stafford Callers' Forum which Liz ran for several years, so that was very appropriate.  Liz booked me to run the November Forum, which involved talking about various aspects of calling and dancing, including plenty of questions and discussion (that's why it's called a Forum rather than a Workshop), and with a chance for everyone to call a dance and get immediate feedback from me and everyone else.  On this occasion I sent out the instructions for 52 dances with names and other identification removed, just whether the music was a reel, jig, waltz etc.  This provoked a lot of interest before the event, and many of the callers were practising at their local clubs saying something like “This is Colin's mystery dance number 6 for 3 couples”.  Brian is the Chairman of Mercian Folk so naturally I put him on the spot first, and he made an excellent job of the dance.  He said that he thought the back-to-back with the second corners would work better left shoulder, though he called the dance as specified, and he's probably correct so I've now made that change.

The Lincolnshire Poacher        The Lincolnshire Poacher: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance : Ellen Taylor, 1976.  Music: Traditional English

A:Grimstock hey, and one more change.
B:Bottom two couples circle left (slip-step).  Circle right.
C:All promenade round to the left (skip-change step).
D:Right-hand star at the top.  Same four left-hand star.
E:“Sausages:” Ones go individually right, through this couple, turn left, through the other couple, turn left, back to where you started (skip-change step).
F:At the top, four changes with hands, then ones down the outside to the bottom.

Ellen says:

The dance was composed in honour of the Lincoln F. D. Club's 75th anniversary in 1977.

All the figures are 'poached' from other dances, and the 'B' music is 'poached' from neighbouring Yorkshire.

The dance subsequently came first in the competition organized by the Lincoln Group.

The second tune is “The Huntsman's Chorus”.  An ABC search engine finds over a hundred versions of this on the web, but they all seem to be the tune used by Carl Maria von Weber in 1821 in his opera “Der Freischutz”, though according to the Village Music Project this originally came from a manuscript by Thomas Sands in1810 — from Lincolnshire!  But I certainly recognise bits of Ellen's tune — “tantivy, tantivy, tantivy” in the C-music and “A hunting we will go” in the E-music (which is the same as the F-music).  So play the original 16-bar tune through three times for the first turn of the dance, and the second tune through twice for the second and third turns of the dance.

See my page of Dances by Ellen Taylor to read about the national success of this dance.

Loudon  Love's Triumph  Maiden Lane  

Masquerade        Masquerade (3:4): Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatMasquerade (3:2): Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2004

A1:(12 bars): Ones two-hand turn (6 steps); cast to middle.  Two-hand turn first corner (shadow) ¾ to lines of three across; circle 6 left half-way.  Leaders (3rd man, second lady, on the left-hand ends of the lines) tight cast left into half reels of three across, and at the end the ones keep moving into middle place.  [3, 1, 2]
A2:Threes at the top do the same.  [2, 3, 1]
B1:(12 bars): Bottom couple (ones) lead up into half figure eight through the tops, then face up, middle couple (threes) move down and face partner.  Grand chain 4 hands.  [3, 2 improper, 1]   Middle couple (twos) lead up (the way they're facing) and cast back while end couples set and Hole-in-the-Wall cross.  [3, 2, 1, all improper]
B2:Top couple (threes) lead down into half figure eight through the bottom couple then face down, middle couple (twos) move up and face partner.  Grand chain 4 hands (so both grand chains are in the normal direction).  [3 improper, 1, 2 improper]   Middle couple (ones) lead down (the way they're facing) and cast back while end couples set and Hole-in-the-Wall cross.  [3, 1, 2]

Written for the band “Masquerade”, and first performed with them at Broadstairs Folk Week in 2004.  Masquerade is Daphne Baker on piano, Graham Knibbs on violin and Stephen Thomas on double bass.  I'd already called with Daphne in England and Holland so I knew she was very good, and when she told me that she had formed a new band called “Masquerade” consisting of three classical musicians I knew I was in for something exceptional, so I wrote a tune that I would hesitate to give to many folk musicians, complete with some interesting bass notes for Stephen.  They played it superbly.  Some time later they played at a concert for classical musicians and included this tune to show the audience the sort of things they played for dancing, and it was the hit of the evening.  No, it's not a waltz — it's slower than that.  I've provided versions of the music in both 3:4 and 3:2 time.  Ian Jones (accordionist with Cumbrian Gap) said, “ I have a way of playing 3/2 tunes which seems to work and comes automatically when I see that time signature.  Also the more spacious appearance of 3/2 enables the players to 'feel' what you want more readily.”  But Daphne Baker finds the 3:2 version a “forest of crotchets” (quarter notes) and the ties in the 3:4 version more readable.  The choice is yours.

I was at a workshop at Cecil Sharp House in 2006 where they were playing for Philippe Callens, and at least three people came up to me and said, “Do you know this band?  I've never heard of them.  Aren't they good!”  So my prediction that Masquerade would soon become better known was fulfilled.  In August 2007 they released a CD of my tunes, including “Masquerade”, which sold well (it's now sold out but you can buy a downloadable set of MP3 files) and received general approval.


November 2007: Originally at the start of B1 I had the threes waiting for two bars and then leading down, but it seems better to get them out of the way immediately — and the same for the twos in B2.

The Merrymakers' Jubilee        The Merrymakers' Jubilee: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Ellen Taylor, 1996.

A:(16 bars) 1st couple set; cross and cast to middle (2nd couple move up).  1st couple gate down through 3rd couple.
 1st couple half figure 8 down through 3rd couple.  1st couple gate up through 2nd couple.
B:(16 bars) 1st couple go right (man down, lady up): hey for three with this couple.
 Change ends: hey for three with the other couple.
C:(16 bars) Right-hand star at the bottom.  Left-hand star at the top.
 Dance three changes with hands at the bottom.  All two-hand turn.

Merrily on High  Millison's Jig  

The Mistress of the Greenery        The Mistress of the Greenery: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Dance: Colin Hume, 2022.
Music: Dave Marcus, 2022
Format: 3 couples longways. Sharon Green

A:(8 bars, 6 beats to the bar): First woman set smoothly right and left to second man (6 beats), who follows her as she casts and they finish outside third and second women who turn around to their right on the last two beats (6 steps) as the first man moves down — the set is now across the hall.  They circle left half-way with the two women (6 steps), releasing hands and turning individually left to circle right half-way with the two men (6 steps).
 First woman set left and right to third man, who follows her as she casts and they finish improper below the bottom pair (1M 2W) who turn around to their left on the last two beats as the second man moves in — the set is once more up and down the hall.  They circle right half-way at the bottom, release hands to circle left half-way at the top.
B1:(8 bars, 4 beats to the bar): First woman lead third man down the set, the others move up the outside and follow them, then wheel to the right and lead up to finish in the set's original space, in the order 1W 3M (improper), 2M 3W, 1M 2W (16 steps).
 Tops cross down into mirror hey, all finishing proper (16 steps).
B2:(8 bars): 1W change places left shoulder with middle (3rd) woman (4 steps), acknowledging her; right shoulder with bottom (2nd) woman, to 3 2 1 all proper.  All two-hand turn partner (8 steps).
 Ones lead up to top and acknowledge partner.  Ones cast to middle place; middles (threes) lead up.
 Progressed position: 3 1 2.  Repeat the dance twice more.

Dave Marcus, concertina player from Atlanta, Georgia, wrote a beautiful and unusual tune for our mutual friend Sharon Green, and asked me to write a dance to it.  When I first visited Sharon and David Green they were living at the General Theological Seminary in New York City, an amazing oasis in the concrete jungle, and their house was called The Greenery.  After David retired they moved back to California, and their house is called The Greenery West.

The first woman is totally in charge of this dance, never stops moving, invites other people into the Greenery and shows them round.  That's Sharon all over!  Perhaps belatedly she returns to her partner and shows him off to the others.

You can learn more about Dave Marcus at and you can hear Reelplay (Dave and Robbin Marcus) playing the tune at

After I'd tried this out I decided it was too confusing for the average dancer, and Sharon would then have to write an easier dance (as she did for “Star of David”) if she wanted more people to enjoy dancing to this beautiful tune.  So I came up with another version.  Consider the above the workshop version; here's the version for an evening dance:

A:(8 bars, 6 beats to the bar): Ones cast to the bottom (6 steps), Hole in the Wall cross (6 steps); at the bottom circle left half-way (6 steps), ones release hands and turn individually left (the man slightly, the woman more) to circle right at the top half-way (6 steps).
 Threes cast up to the top, Hole in the Wall cross; at the top circle left half-way, threes release hands and turn individually left to circle right half-way at bottom (Home).
B1:(8 bars, 4 beats to the bar): Ones lead down the set, the others move up the outside and follow them, then cast up to place (16 steps).
 Ones lead down into a mirror hey (16 steps).
B2:Ones through the twos: handy-hand turn 1½ to change places (8 steps); threes through the ones: same.  Lines of three fall back (4 steps), lead forward (4 steps); all two-hand turn partner (8 steps).
 Progressed position: 2 3 1.  Repeat the dance twice more.

As you can see, I've retained many of the moves but removed the quirkiness — take your choice!

My Lady Dark Eyes        Shropshire Lass: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: John Wood of Chingford, London
From the book Dance Search
Music: 3 x 32-bar reels, such as The Shropshire Lass.
The dance now has its own tune by Chris Carpenter, on the album “My Family & Other Dances”.
First Figure:
A1:Up a double and back.  Two-hand turn partner.
A2:All that again.
B1/2:Second couple face left and do six changes (with hands) all round the set, while first and third couples do four changes in a square when they can — and therefore each get two rests: Twos R, all L across, twos R, twos L, all R across, twos L (12 bars: 4 steps each).  Fall back in lines; lead forward.
Second Figure:
A1:Siding with partner.  Two-hand turn.
A2:All that again.
B1:Circle six left half-way.  Right-hand turn partner half-way; turn single left.
B2:Back-to-back partner.  Twos face up: Half a Grimstock hey to return to place: threes (at the top) lead through the twos, ones through the threes, twos through the ones.
Third Figure:
A1:Arming.  Two-hand turn.
A2:All that again.
B1/2:Threes face up with a single-handed arch, ones cast and lead down through the arch, twos lead up and follow.  Ones cast up to top and make an arch facing down; threes lead up as twos turn single up at the bottom.  Threes lead up through the ones' arch followed by twos, and cast to place (12 bars for all of this).  All turn single downwards (men right, ladies left); all step and honour partner.

The changes in the first figure work as follows:

John Wood is the only person who managed to get two dances into the “top twelve” which were tried out on the night of the Dance Search competition.  The other one is Sicilian Switchback.

Nobe's Maggot  

O. Macnamara's Maggot        O. Macnamara's Maggot: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Jill Lawrence, 1982

A1:Ones cross giving right hand; cast to second place as twos move up.  Ones cross giving left hand while others two-hand turn half-way; ones cast to bottom, twos set to partner, threes move up.
A2:Ones face up, the others face down: dip and dive hey, arching in the middle.
B:(16 bars):  Ones lead up to face tops, middles move down the outside and face partner; all clap together, right, together, left.  Two-hand turn 1½ or ballroom hold swing to change places.
 At the top, two changes with hands while bottom couple back-to-back.  Ones cross right hand and cast to bottom while bottoms set and lead up while tops set and turn single.

Jill says:

O. Macnamara's Maggot is a small tribute to Olive, to whom I have always sent my dances and who so kindly teaches them at her Country Dance Courses.

The Old Mole  Old Noll's Jig  Once a Night  The Physical Snob  Picking of Sticks  Powell's Fancy  

Pride of the 21st        Shandon Bells: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance: Gerry Phelps, 1974.
Music: 3 x 48 bar jigs: Shandon Bells.

A1:All left-hand turn partner.  First man third lady right-hand turn, keep hold and give left to partner in a diagonal wave.
A2:Those four kick-balance right and left twice.  Middle two do-si-do the spare person in front of them, and fall back to place.
B1:All right-hand turn partner.  First lady third man left-hand turn, keep hold and give right to partner in a diagonal wave.
B2:Kick-balance twice.  Middle two do-si-do the spare person in front of them, and fall back to place.
C1:Right-hand star at the top.  Left-hand star at the bottom.
C2:Half poussette at the top: first man push, second man pull.  Half poussette at the bottom: first man pull, third man push.

Written for the 21st anniversary of the Square Club in the Cheltenham/Gloucester area.

Prince William  Put on thy Smock a Monday  

Rebecca's Progress        The Gradely Lass: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples circle.     Dance: Bob Lilley, 2008.
Music: The Gradely Lass from Maggot Pie.

The ones are the couple with their backs to the presence at the start of the dance.

A1:Circle left (slip-step).  Men cast left shoulder, behind partner to the next place round on the right.
A2:Circle right until the ladies are home.  Ladies cast right shoulder, behind current partner to the next place round on the left.
B1:Ones set to (original) partner, moving forward to the centre of side lines of 3 (without hands); all clap: together, right with opposite, together, left with opposite.  As they fall back, the right-hand people of each line lead the same move, setting to their original partner.
B2:As they fall back, the new right-hand people lead the same move.  They fall back into a circle; all clap with new partner: together, together, both.  The new ones are the couple with their backs to the presence.
Second figure:
A1:Side right.  Men cast left shoulder to meet original partner.
A2:Side left.  Ladies cast right shoulder to meet another new partner.
B1/2:As before, led by those new ones.
Third figure:
Arm right, etc.

A very useful tip is that although everyone does the triple clapping figure in different directions and from different positions each time, it's always with the same people in the same order.

Becky LonghurstBecky Capron

Written for Rebecca Longhurst.  I called this at Becky's 21st Birthday Dance in 2011 and made a complete mess of the walkthrough — I'd tried to fit the instructions onto one card, and when I wrote the card I understood it, but when I started the walkthrough I realised I didn't.  Fortunately Bob was dancing with Becky in the top set and they kept putting me right; if necessary I would have danced with Becky and got Bob to do the calling.

Bob Lilley is a retired trainer of silicon chips.  He's been calling since 1981 and writing the odd dance (some of them odder than others) since 1986.  He's a resident caller at the Linsleighders' FDC in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, and a regular guest caller at various other clubs in the area.  His best-known dance is The Fast Packet.

Rebecca Longhurst (Bex or Becky), comes from Bob's neighbouring village of Pitstone.  Introduced to country dancing at the age of 17, she took to it like a duck to water, and she and David now dance all over the place.  In 2013 they were married, so she is now Becky Capron, and the tune for this dance, arranged for organ by Chris Dewhurst, was the recessional music at the wedding service.  She and David are also up-and-coming dance callers.

Bex has been active in the Girl Guide movement, and the figures in “Progress” were inspired partly by the trefoil badge.

Red and All Red  

The Responce        St Giles's Pound: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Francis Carter, 1995.     Music: 3 x 40 bars St Giles's Pound (Fallibroome 4)

A1:Ones cross right shoulder; cast to middle place.  Cross right shoulder, turn left, go round one person and face first corner — man facing across to bottom lady, lady facing across to top man.
A2:Reels of three across the set (pass first corner right shoulder to start), and ones continue the move to finish improper in second place.
B1:Ones set; cast to the bottom (threes stand still).  Half figure eight up; threes lead up to middle place.
B2:Rights and lefts for six:  All cross giving right hands; those in first lady's and third man's place cross giving left hands, the others cross with neighbour giving left hands.  The same from new places.
B2:The same from new places.  All set and turn single.

The dance won second prize in the Dance Search '95 competition run by the Beckenham and Croydon Folk Dance Group.  It was published in CDSS News the same year, with the spelling changed from “Response” to “Responce”.  The “Rights and lefts for six” figure comes from Scottish Country Dancing.

Rockingham Hall  The Rose in June  Rumford Assembly  

Ruth        Ruth: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 2006

A:Ones cast (twos move up straight away); right-hand turn first corner just over half-way to a diagonal wave of four with the corners in the middle — from the top: first lady, second man, third lady, first man.  Middles left-hand turn half-way; set in the wave.
B:The other two people step forward to make same-sex right-hand stars and start to turn them, then the ones move up or down their own line and the others follow to finish with the men home and the ladies in the order 2, 3, 1.  All back-to-back opposite (shadow).
C:Ones (on a long diagonal) set to each other; cast left shoulder to middle place on own side: 2, 1, 3.  Join hands and set in lines; cross right shoulder with partner and turn right.
D:Circle left half-way.  Two-hand turn partner.
Progressed position is 3, 1, 2.

Written for Ruth Allmayer, and first danced at Sigmaringen in Germany in March 2006, with music played by Folkus Pocus.


Ruth booked me with Folkus Pocus for a similar weekend in 2004.  Before that, English dancing in that region had meant Alan Davies (with a safe band), and Ruth wanted to show people that different callers put a very different slant on things.  (Antony Heywood has since pointed out that he has also run courses in that area.)  In addition to Playford-style I gave them American Squares and Contras, Scottish, English Traditional and some of my own dances.  They coped with everything I threw at them, and of course were delighted with the music, and Dan, Caroline, Renata and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  When Ruth booked me for a second weekend I said to Renata “I'm going to write a dance for Ruth — should it be stately or bouncy?”  “Bouncy”, she said, which was what I had already thought, so here it is.  Some Playford-style bands would not be too happy with the tune, but I knew Dan and Caroline would be in their element.  After she had danced it to my calling, Ruth then called it (without looking at the instructions) while I danced it — a brave woman!

Ruth has called with Alan Davies for several Dance Weeks at Halsway Manor with a mixture of dancers from England and Germany.  Since our first weekend in Germany she has danced at Pinewoods for two weeks (including participating in a callers course) called at Sidmouth, and became better known as a caller.  In 2007 she was again booked for Sidmouth, where she called this dance (and another six of mine!), and in 2008 she was booked for Eastbourne but could not appear because of illness, so I took over her programme.  She appeared in 2009 and did a really good job.

Spanish Dance  

Safe Home        Safe Home: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance: Peggy Roe, 2012.  Music: Jane Slemon, 2009 (waltz).

A:Right-hand ends (on the long left diagonal) cast to middle place, middles turn single right into their place; all right-hand turn opposite half-way.  All that again.
B:All that again — final turn is with partner.  Circle left half-way (“safe home”); balance the ring in and out.
C:Grimstock hey (mirror hey with ones leading down through twos to start — 6 bars); all turn single upwards.
D:Ones cross and cast to middle place, twos lead up; ones cross and cast to bottom place, threes lead up.  All two-hand turn.

Jane wrote this song when her husband was off on a sailing trip alone, picturing him on deck in a quiet cove, and looking forward to when he would be safe home with her again.

Some dancers find the casts and turns in the A section challenging because, more quickly than they expect, they find themselves in a new position with a new role — casting, turning, or (just as important) waiting.  A useful clue is that if you're waiting before the right-hand turn, you'll be casting next time.

Peggy Roe began attending English Country Dances in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in about 2002.  She wrote her first dance in 2010 and realised that if she wanted anyone to dance it, she would need to learn to call.  With encouragement and advice from her mentor, June Harman, and a lot of support from local musicians, dancers and other callers, she has been calling and indulging the urge to choreograph ever since.  Her first book of dances, “Diagonally”, was published in 2016.  Jane Slemon is also from Vancouver.

Salute to High Leigh        Salute to High Leigh: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways Twos Improper.
Dance and Music: Ellen Taylor, 1980

A1:1st & 2nd men (1st corners) gipsy right.  Move clockwise behind partner to change places with each other.
 Both couples back-to-back with new partner.  Two-hand turn.
A2:1st & 2nd women (2nd corners) gipsy left.  Move anticlockwise behind new partner to change places with each other.
 Both couples back-to-back with own partner.  Two-hand turn.
B1:3rd couple gipsy right.  Lead up between next couple and cast back to place.
 Back-to-back with partner.  Two-hand turn.
B2:All circle left half-way (slipping).  Set to partner; two-hand turn half-way.
 Grimstock hey (top couple move inside middle couple and outside bottom couple, etc., all moving).

The music is 4 steps to the bar, so there's twice as much time as might be suggested by the instructions.

Scotch Cap  The Shepherd and Shepher…The Shepherd and Shepherdess  St. Margaret's Hill  Step Stately  

Strawberries and Cream        Strawberries and Cream: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.     Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 1996

A1:First man and third lady pass your partner right shoulder, and dance round the outside to each other's place.  (Their partners do not move!)  Those who can, set on the right diagonal; cross over passing right shoulder and face in.
A2:First lady third man pass your opposite left shoulder, and dance round the outside to each other's place.  Those who can, set on the left diagonal; cross over passing right shoulder again, and stay facing out.
B1:Lines of three lead away four steps; ends move in and circle left half-way in those threes.  Lead back; cross right with new partner and turn right.  [This means that one end person in each line turns the long way, but it flows much better into the reel.]
B2:Reels of three on the side, the top two people on the men's side and the bottom two people on the ladies' side starting right shoulder (6 bars); middles right-hand turn half-way to own side.

Progressed position is Men: 2, 3, 1; Ladies: 3, 1, 2.  Repeat the dance twice more.

No particular reason for the dance or title — it just seemed a sweet little tune.  In fact I prefer strawberries and ice-cream, but somehow that doesn't sound right.

The Sun from the East        The Sun from the East: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways, Twos Improper
Dance: Colin Hume, 2021
Music: 3 x Own tune: Thompson, 1770.

A:All circle left half-way — stay in the circle formation.  Balance in and out; men roll the left-hand woman across to change places with her as men balance back left and forward left.
B:Lines fall back two waltz steps from partner; lead forward.  All back-to-back partner.
C:All face up, cast from the top and lead up the middle back to these places.
D:(4 bars): All two-hand turn partner.  Progression: 2, 3i, 1.

I knew that at the Family Folk Week at Halsway Manor in 2021 Charlotte Grumball was planning to teach a recorder group, so I asked her if she would like me to call a dance which they could play for on the final evening.  She said she had a lovely four-part arrangement by Dave Townsend (in his Village Band Book volume 2, adapted for recorders) of the (probably traditional) tune “The Sun from the East” which you can read about at so I wrote this dance to go with it.  The tune is a 28-bar waltz and there's no repetition, so I didn't want a dance where one set of people did something to one line and another set did the same thing to the next line — it needed to be different all the way — and easy.  See if you think I've succeeded.  You need to tell people to use up the whole 8 bars of the C-music: 4 waltz steps to cast well down and then 4 to lead up.

If you don't have live music you can use a recording of Heidenröslein except that that goes through 4 times.  Or you can click on the treble clef button next to the title and then use my Multi-Play option to produce an MP3 of the tune three times through.

Together        Together: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 1998: 3 x Own tune + coda

A:Ones lead up a double; wheel around.  Lead down; handy-hand turn twos half-way (first man second lady left, first lady second man right).
B:Grimstock hey: Ones in middle place start by moving down the outside as the threes lead up the middle.
C:Bottom two couples circle left.  Pick up the top couple and circle left half-way, finishing 3 improper, 1, 2 improper.
D:First long corners cross right (third lady, second man); their partners cross right.  Those four cast back to the other end (first corners going outside) while the ones gipsy right.
Coda: (4 bars): All step right and honour partner; left.

Reverse progression.  It's easy for the first corners in D to get to their places too soon — try to make eye-contact with your partner and both cast at the same time.

Notes to musicians: This should be smooth and flowing, not all played at exactly the same tempo.  In the accompaniment please avoid the “oom-cha” — that's why I've only written one chord symbol per bar — go for arpeggios and subtlety!  I was lucky enough to have Chris Oxtoby and Judith Robertson of “Sound Company” playing for the session where I tried this dance out, and Chris — excellent accordionist though she is — said she found it very difficult playing all those bass notes which don't fit the chords.  But I meant every one of them!  She also said she hoped I'd soon get all the romantic stuff out of my system and write some straightforward jigs and reels.

The Touchstone  A Trip o'er Tweed  A Trip to Castle Howard  A Trip to Islington  

Unrequited Love        Unrequited Love: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Recordings

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance and Music: Colin Hume, 1986: 3 x Own tune + coda

First Figure:
A1:All lead up a double and back.  Tops cast to middle, middles lead up to top; bottoms cast up to middle, middles lead down to bottom.
A2:All lead down a double and back.  Bottoms cast up to middle, middles lead down to bottom; tops cast to middle, middles lead up to top.  [Home]
B:Bottom two couples circle left half-way; open into a line of four facing up and fall back while top couple two-hand turn all the way.  The line of four make an arch at each end and lead up, the tops go down under one arch each, bend the line to reform the longways set.
C:The same from new positions.  [Home, ones and threes improper.]
D:Join hands in lines and take one step back, then cross over right shoulder and turn right to face in.  Circle left four places (until the middle man is at the top on his own side).
E:New middle man down, lady up: right-hand star with this couple, middles finishing on original side facing new partner.  All two-hand turn new partner.
Second Figure:
 As before, but siding into line right shoulder at the start of A1 and left shoulder at the start of A2.
Third Figure:
 As before, but arming right in A1 and left in A2.
Coda: (having finished with two-hand turn original partner): Step right and honour partner; step left and honour.

The dance was published by Cotswold Music in the Hunter's Moon collection in 1987, with an LP recording by Wild Thyme (later available on cassette) and is now on the Spring Blossom CD by Dampier's Round.  Originally I had the top couple standing still at the start of B and C but I noticed people doing a set and turn single, and when I asked them why they said it was the only point in the whole dance where anyone stood still.  I could see the force of this argument, but if the bottom two couples are circling and opening up into a line it seems more logical to me that the top couple should do a two-hand turn and open up into a line.  If you do it, make sure you turn all the way — particularly in C where you start and finish the turn improper.

Upon a Summer's Day  

Wheel of Fortune        Print this danceTop of page

Format: 3 couples longways.
Dance:  Susannah Barnett of Lower Sydenham, London, 1986.
From the book Dance Search.
Music: 3 x 32-bar single jigs

A1:Right-hand star at the top.  Left-hand star at the bottom while ones cast to bottom.
A2:Right-hand star at the bottom (threes and ones).  Left-hand star at the top (twos and threes).
B1:Top four arch with neighbour, bottom couple (ones) lead up, separate, out through the nearer arch, meet at the top.  Lead down, out through the same arch to the bottom.
B2:Circle left.  Circle right.

The Whirligig        Whirligig: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page   Added 14-Jun-24

Format: 3 couples longways
Dance: John Playford, Dancing Master 1651
Music: Usually danced to the tune Woodycock.

This is pretty much the Cecil Sharp version, but I'd like to explain how I call it.  You might want to look at Sharp's version and Playford's original as well.

First Figure:
A:Up a double and back.  That again.
B1:Middle couple lead up through top couple; cast to place.  Half figure eight up, finishing improper.
B2:Lead down; cast up.  Half figure eight down (home).
A:“Great cast”: Cast to invert set.  Ones stay at bottom, the others lead down and cast up to progressed places.
 Repeat B1, B2, A twice until all are home.
Second Figure:
A:Side right shoulder to right.  Side left.
B1:Middle go left: Arm right with opposite sex, into reels of three across the set, middles end improper.
B2:Middles go left: Arm right same sex (same two people), into reels of three across (home).
 Great cast, etc.
Third Figure:
A:Arm right.  Arm left.
B1:Middles chase the top couple: mini-cast back to place.  Right-hand star.
B2:Middles chase the bottom couple: mini-cast.  Right-hand star.     Great cast, etc.
Notice that there are no mentions of numbers, and only one mention of sex (“gender” for Americans) which can easily be changed to “opposite person” and I'd make it clear in the walkthrough that you're going out on the diagonal rather than arming with your neighbour.

When I started dancing people took literally what Playford said: and come to your place again which Sharp interpreted as and return to places — note the significance of Sharp using the plural.  So people would do the half figure eight and then rapidly cross back to the proper side.  Surely Playford didn't mean that — he meant “finish in second place”.  The whole purpose of a half figure eight — and notice that Playford actually says like the Figure of 8 whereas Sharp carefully doesn't — is to change places with your partner.  That frantic crossing over (twice) seems to have died out now.

In the “Great cast”, Playford just says Cast off, all do thus but could he just mean “top couple cast to the bottom, the others move up” with no music allocated for this?  all do thus presumably means repeat the figure twice more from progressed places — you find phrases such as do thus to the last, the rest following at the end of dozens of dances, and it just means it's a progressive figure.  Sharp invents an extra A-music, and an unusual move to go with it.  Normally in dances such as “Bridge of Athlone”, “Waves of Tory”, “Barley Reel”, “Hebridean Weevil” and many other traditional-style dances the followers go down the outside and then lead up through an arch with their partners.  Sharp doesn't use an arch, and he has the followers leading down through the bottom couple and casting up to progressed place.  This always presents problems and people do too wide a cast so then they're late for the next figure.  I say “Tops cast, the others follow, take your partner's hand and lead down through, cast up to a new place”.  Yes I really do say “take your partner's hand” all nine times; some people seem to need it.

Click to play video

The second figure is by far the hardest, and here are my suggestions for giving people more chance of getting through it.  I used to say “Man up, lady down, arm right with the opposite sex” but now I've been exposed to more gender-free calling I say “Middles go left, arm right”.  Don't let them rush it in the walkthrough: “arm right once around and stop.  Now middles pass that person's partner left shoulder to start a hey for three — ends finish at home, middles finish improper.  [Wait until everyone has got there — don't let the so-called experts rush ahead to show how clever they are.]  Now exactly the same at the other end…” Then I point out that it's the same people who are being armed with both times — the top woman and bottom man (or you might say second long corners).  And it's arm right both times.  “Those people, you won't be standing there waiting for the middles to come to you, you'll still be finishing the hey, but if you stick your right arm out you're giving the middles a signal which they will appreciate.  And after the second hey you'll find that the top woman is already facing out, so when I say ”Great cast“ don't face up and spin round, there isn't time, just go.”  I actually delay the call “Great cast” very slightly, otherwise there's a danger that the second woman will still be at the top and think she's supposed to initiate the move — you can see exactly that the first time through this figure in the video, though they recover beautifully.  You've got to be on the ball and call everything at the right time, which is difficult if you're reading it off a card — if you can't learn the whole dance, at least memorise the second figure.

Isabelle Woodford has pointed out that it's strange the first two figures are led by the middles whereas the third figure seems to be led by the ends.  In fact on the video above the twos are in charge — they're advancing menacingly on the end couples to make them cast.  I'm not suggesting you teach that, though you can click the image above to watch it, but I've updated my instructions!  After the arming introduction I usually say: “The bottom couple have a vital role now — you stand still!”  and after the great cast I point out that the new bottom couple are standing still and they continue to stand still, while the top two couples are moving up and the middles are chasing the tops, ready to flow into the next figure.

Wandle Wakes        Wandle Wakes: Music in PDF/MIDI/MP3/ABC formatPrint this danceTop of page

Carshalton: photo by Massimo Usai
Format: 3 couples longways.       Dance and Music: Ellen Taylor, 1981.

A1:1st couple cast to the middle (8 steps).  Two-hand turn 1¼ to face first corner on right diagonal.
B1:Starting left shoulder with corner, straight hey for 4 on this diagonal, cut short so ones finish on own side.
A2:1st couple lead down through 3rd couple and cast back to middle.  Two-hand turn to face second corner on left diagonal.
B2:Starting left shoulder with corner, straight hey for 4 on this diagonal, again cut short so ones finish on own side.
C1:1st couple lead up through 2nd couple, cast to bottom (3s move up).  Two-hand turn.
C2:All face down, 1st couple followed by others cast up to top and cast down again to progressed places.

Repeat twice more.

The River Wandle is a tributary of the River Thames.  One of its sources is Carshalton Ponds in the middle of Carshalton.

3 Couples:  Scottish

Auld Teaghlaigh Gradh  Crossing the Line  The Viking's Sheepskin  

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On Thursday, September 25, 2008, Lorraine from Australia wrote:
I have been looking at your 3 couple dances - Grandparents' Waltz etc and was wondering is there a cd of music for those dances.
I know you have the written music.  I was looking at the dance Lucy and it is a 36bar - dont have music to suit it.
Where do I get it from as like a copy of it
On Monday, October 13, 2008, Colin Hume from Letchworth wrote:
Lorraine -

Sorry, the only CDs I have are those on my "Books and Recordings" page.  Producing CDs is expensive and there's a limited market for them!  Your best bet is to find some musicians and encourage them to play for dancing.  I know that's not easy (and probably harder in Australia than in England) but have a look at the essay on Live Music which I've just added and see if it gives you any ideas.