If you're buying my books, CDs, MP3s or Dance Organiser program, please do not specify it as a Purchase of Goods, otherwise I will be charged a fee.
Instead, please click the Personal tab and then Sending to a friend or to family (or similar wording), rather than the default setting: Paying for an item or service.
My PayPal account is
If you're buying a downloadable album of my dance music please Contact me after sending the money so that I can email you the password to enable you to download the MP3 files. And I would like the payment (£10) in Good British Pounds please, so if you're paying in some other currency you will need to convert it.
Similarly if you're registering your copy of the Dance Organiser the price is 50GBP.
If you don't know how to use PayPal but are willing to give it a try:
If you have problems, please Contact me.