Dartington | The Clocks Go Back Tonight |
New York Times | Elegy |
Northbourne Hop | English Breakfast Tea |
Old Friends and New | Tea Up! |
The Amherst Assembly | Thursday Night Flash |
Star of David | Renata |
Round Hill Wedding | The Graduate |
Karen's Tuba | Well Done, Brenda |
Centre of Friends | Gold for Brenda |
Catdancer | Garden City Square |
True Britannia | The Last of England |
Good Turns | No Clapping! |
Midwinter | Mr Handel's Minuet |
The Clocks Go Forward Tonight | Together |
Megalomania |
Northbourne Hop — page 6
You are supposed to join hands in the lines.
In bar 4 of the A-music, everything but the last note should be moved up a third, so the melody note is F# not D. Click here for a corrected version of the tune.
Old Friends and New — page 7
The B music should start A C C D C and then F in bar 2, rather than A E E F E and then A in bar 2. Click here for a corrected version of the tune.
Star of David — page 10
The dancing right shoulder round someone in A1 and A2 is until you are facing in — don't go all the way round.
True Brittannia — page 21
The D music in 2:2 time is for the last time through the dance.
Good Turns — page 22
It's a standard progression (2-3-1), not a reverse progression.
Midwinter — page 24
Bar 7 of the B-music needs crotchet G and B after the minim G and an octave below it.
The Clocks go Forward Tonight — page 26
What I meant in B1/B2 is that the reel starts 3-2-1, you get back to these positions and then the threes and twos do one more change to finish 2-3-1, which is a standard progression in England.
The Clocks Go Back Tonight — page 27
Add a time signature of 2:2, and the sharp in the key signature of the second line.
Tea Up! — page 32
A1 is like the start of a “strip the willow” from both ends. It should be danced with a step-hop all the way through, not just in B2.
Elegy — page 29
In bar 8 of the B music the last two notes should be A, B, not F, G. See/hear the correct version.
English Breakfast Tea — page 30: In C2, “Men cross left shoulder” means “cast left shoulder round each other”.
Garden City Square — page 40
I've been asked to clarify that after the left-hand turn ¾ in the third figure B1 the ladies move anti-clockwise and the men move clockwise in the two changes. In B2 it's the other way.
No Clapping! — page 44
The note should say Cary Ravitz, not Gary Ravitz. The sharp in the key signature of the A music shouldn't be there, but as there aren't any F's in the tune it doesn't matter!
Megalomania — page 48
Yes I did mean that G# in bar 5 of the B-music — but I've missed out an F# in bar 7.
January 2002