BackProgression Checker

Are you working through the notation for a dance and unsure if the progression is right?  Enter the dancers' positions after the first turn.  For example with a 6 couple set where the first couple have got to the bottom of the set, the positions after the first turn are 234561.  This utility will then tell you whether each couple visits each position in the set.

My thanks to David Pattenden of The Cat's Whiskers Band — — who first thought of the idea.

The definition of a “Good” progression is that for an n couple set, all the dancers are back in their original places after n turns of the dance and not before.  For instance, the progression 2315746 is not good because it would need 12 turns, though people get home two or three times before that.  The progression 75864231 gets people home after 4 turns, which of course may be exactly what you want!

There's a lot of information about progressions on my Composing Dances page.